August 15, 2011

Seaport Campground - Old Mystic, CT

This campground used to be our "go to" campground.  It was formely family run and we loved it because it was a simple, very affordable campground boasting large grassy, shaded sites.  About two years ago a large company called Morgan RV Resorts bought the campground.  We were looking forward to the upgrades that usually come when a larger corporation takes over an mom and pop campground.  Instead, sadly, it has been a downward spiral.  On our last visit earlier this spring we found wooden picnic tables rotting and in need of replacement, the pool was dirty, the restrooms were filthy, the internet was not working, and we lost water twice because of a broken pipe somewhere in the campground.  The outdoor pavilion area that formely hosted dances was dismantled with nothing in its place.  The miniature golf was the only renovation noted (they recovered some on the pieces with new artificial grass carpet).  With all of this they had the audacity to increase their rates to match those of other campgrounds that offer so much more. They also refer to themselves as a resort but have nothing to offer as a resort. After this visit, I emailed my disappointment to Morgan RV...TWICE.  Needlesstosay, I never received a reply.  Very, very disappointing.  In summary, I do not recommend this campground.  The only thing they have left going for them is their large, grassy, level campsites. 

Seaport Campground


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